well, this is the start of my own blog. this is in English as it is mainly for my English speaking friends out there that I cannot be in contact with regularly. I hope I can make something useful out of this :)

Samstag, März 04, 2006

in Chiang Mai

After a 12 hours bus trip over night we finally arrived in Chiang Mai this morning :) I am so happy to be here and we stay in such a nice hotel! I am here with my Dutch travel mate Sieb and Cat from America. And lucky hat has a lot of hotel points so we invites us to stay for free with her in the hotel. and we have a real suite!!!! it is amazing! tomorrow Sieb and me go on a trekking tour, including bamboo rafting and elephant trekking. I am excited about that!
I am so looking forward to my last 3 weeks here and the travelling, but it was also so sad to leave Nong Khai yesterday. Saying goodbye to my class was hard, the girls were crying, I so did not expect that! At night we had a bad tase party inbetween all the volunteers from Travel 2 Teach and it was good fun :) I dressed up as the pink girl and all my clothes, make-up and jewellery was pink, I looked disgusting! On the way to a club later that night I fell off my bike and now I have a bad bruce (? is that the word) on my shoulder and my hand. So studpid bit I can be lucky nothing worse had happened.
tonight we are visiting the night bazaar which is dangerous cos I am in a shopping mood. monday night we leave for Bankok and from there for Krabi to spend a few days on the islands and to learn diving! And in no time it will be time for me to fly home again :(, but hey, at least I can go back to see Alemannia Aachen play then!
So far the news from Chiang Mai!


Blogger Saint Peter's helpers said...

Thanks for all the update on all your adventures. Sorry to hear about the loss of your wallet and camera and of your bruise. May the Virgin Mary protect you as your travel back home.

You are doing a wonderful thing teaching the children. I think being a teacher is the noblest profession.

Oh, by the way, what did the grasshopper taste like?

1:55 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Stef it sounds fantatstic, Thailand must be just beautiful. I would love to go elephant trekking since they are my favorite kind of animal.
Can't wait to see more photos, and just as St.P's said May the virgin Mary protect you on your way home
Love xxxx

9:56 PM

Blogger Stef said...

thnak you both so much! I am in Krabi right now and I need some time to recover myself from a lack of sleep and a bad cold.
the elephant trekking was kind of disappointing to be honest, the elephant riders just did not treat the animals very well which sucked.
the grasshopper tasted a bit like prawn, just moree crunchy :)
i will upload a lot more pictures once I get home, it is difficult now since i dont have my own camera anymore. but i will copy all the pictures from my travel mate.

7:45 AM

Blogger Emma said...

I hope you enjoy your last few days in Thailand Stef, and I look forward to seeing the photos when you get home.
Have a safe journey.
Take care. x

11:07 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

Actually you fell off a bike in Australia too right? I remember seeing your big big bruises! :-O

10:54 PM

Blogger Stef said...

ooops :/ u remember me falling off the bike in australia Carmel??? hehe, yes, I should not ride bikes when I am abroad!!!

7:24 AM


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